Friday, November 7, 2008

Giutar Hero III Mobile

I think GH is an addiction!!
I own all the GH games 4 the PS2 except world tour! I was playing on my BlackBerry the other night checking out the cool downloads! Out of no where comes Guitar Hero III for my BlackBerry!!! I was ecstatic and jumping 4 joy(not really,but I felt like it). So I paid my $6.99 and it started to download! Woo hoo, know I can rock out anytime anywhere! It finished downloading and that was it, didn't say it was ready to play and u will find it in your applications,nope nothing! So I wasn't sure if I had got it, by this time the excitement is killing me! I had visions of our flight to Vegas next month and I rock out the whole time!(Lance and Deb I will let u play it). So I waiting 4 something 2 happen, I guess I am used to a regular computer that tells u it is installed and ready! So I back out to the applications list, OMG!! It was a moment! Ask Erica about my "Moments". The it was an fabulous icon that says "GH III"! I was almost in tears I was so excited! I clicked on the icon and there it was GH III on my BlackBerry! So I attempt to play it. There is no guitar 2 play, it is some what challenging. U only have 3 notes 2 hit and u use the Cn B and N keys. It has 15 songs and u can download more if u want to pay for them. So I started on easy. OMG! I only got thru 6% of the song! It is challenging! I can't wait to take some time and get thru at least 1 song!! So that is my GH obsession! I think it might be a little out of control! I will keep u posted as I kick some GH ass anywhere I am.
Rock On!

1 comment:

Ms. Salti said...

NO NO NO!!! You are not going to ignore everyone else on the trip and play frickin' GH the whole weekend. In fact, if you don't comply, I will confiscate your phone and hide it. I will tell Dale it is hidden, and if he needs to speak with you, he'll have to call my phone! Don't test me, young man!