Monday, November 17, 2008

Equality Rally!

So Dale, Erica and I put on our good walking shoes to participate in the national rally for Equality. Along with SLC rallies were held all over the country. The news reports it as protest on prop 8. That was so last week! We have progressed to equality for all. Yes, we protested the LDS church on Friday the 7th of November. The one held on Saturday was to let the world know we are pissed and we r no longer in the closet and we are ready to fight for equal rights. I feel it is like the 60's again with African-Americans fighting for there rights! It is now the Gay communities turn. We will no longer be repressed! We are all coming together for equality. So the 2 of listen to all the speakers. They were amazing! Every thing they said is how I felt. It so awesome to again see the huge turn out. I was so moved, I was so proud to be a part of this movement and not lay down and take it. I was fighting tears of joy all day, until Erica was crying as we started 2 march. It was an amazing feeling being a part of this nations path to equality! The speakers talked about peaceful rallies and expressions of what we are fighting for, I agree the people that we will not change anything if it is violent.

I think I have said before, any religion in entitled to have there beliefs, they do not need to conduct gay marriages or acknowledge them. Marriage is a civil right not a religious right!

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