Monday, November 17, 2008

Equality Rally!

So Dale, Erica and I put on our good walking shoes to participate in the national rally for Equality. Along with SLC rallies were held all over the country. The news reports it as protest on prop 8. That was so last week! We have progressed to equality for all. Yes, we protested the LDS church on Friday the 7th of November. The one held on Saturday was to let the world know we are pissed and we r no longer in the closet and we are ready to fight for equal rights. I feel it is like the 60's again with African-Americans fighting for there rights! It is now the Gay communities turn. We will no longer be repressed! We are all coming together for equality. So the 2 of listen to all the speakers. They were amazing! Every thing they said is how I felt. It so awesome to again see the huge turn out. I was so moved, I was so proud to be a part of this movement and not lay down and take it. I was fighting tears of joy all day, until Erica was crying as we started 2 march. It was an amazing feeling being a part of this nations path to equality! The speakers talked about peaceful rallies and expressions of what we are fighting for, I agree the people that we will not change anything if it is violent.

I think I have said before, any religion in entitled to have there beliefs, they do not need to conduct gay marriages or acknowledge them. Marriage is a civil right not a religious right!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We quit smoking! We did it!

We did it, we quit smoking! It has only been since sunday, but I am done this time! I am tired of the stench, the walking behind your friends because they don't smoke. I am over it! Good bye to smoking controlling my life! The health benefits are also a reason. I have to say since I quit, I have more confidence and I am more interactive with my friends. Part of that is because I no longer am concerned about being stinky!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I love LB!

I am sitting here at LB(Layne Bryant) waiting for my fabulous friend Erica to try on some fabulous new clothes! Our focus was Vegas outfits!! I am so excited! Erica is going to be the Diva she always is in her fab new clothes from LB that I helped pick out!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Giutar Hero III Mobile

I think GH is an addiction!!
I own all the GH games 4 the PS2 except world tour! I was playing on my BlackBerry the other night checking out the cool downloads! Out of no where comes Guitar Hero III for my BlackBerry!!! I was ecstatic and jumping 4 joy(not really,but I felt like it). So I paid my $6.99 and it started to download! Woo hoo, know I can rock out anytime anywhere! It finished downloading and that was it, didn't say it was ready to play and u will find it in your applications,nope nothing! So I wasn't sure if I had got it, by this time the excitement is killing me! I had visions of our flight to Vegas next month and I rock out the whole time!(Lance and Deb I will let u play it). So I waiting 4 something 2 happen, I guess I am used to a regular computer that tells u it is installed and ready! So I back out to the applications list, OMG!! It was a moment! Ask Erica about my "Moments". The it was an fabulous icon that says "GH III"! I was almost in tears I was so excited! I clicked on the icon and there it was GH III on my BlackBerry! So I attempt to play it. There is no guitar 2 play, it is some what challenging. U only have 3 notes 2 hit and u use the Cn B and N keys. It has 15 songs and u can download more if u want to pay for them. So I started on easy. OMG! I only got thru 6% of the song! It is challenging! I can't wait to take some time and get thru at least 1 song!! So that is my GH obsession! I think it might be a little out of control! I will keep u posted as I kick some GH ass anywhere I am.
Rock On!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time 4 change

Now is the time for America to change! I think Obama is the right man 4 the job! I am excited and look forward to working with our new president!
"Yes we can!"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop 8

I know I don't live in Cali, but it does effect me, emotionally and it could have an impact in how gay marriage is handled in america. I don't care what your beliefs are, I think most all of us don't like/want to discriminate against anyone.
Prop is just that discrimination! I don't care what someone is taught in there church. That is there beliefs and they have a right to them. But is it fare to force your beliefs and how u things are suppose 2 be?
I shouldn't have to believe whatever u do, we can still in this world in peace! I am so angry and frustrated about Prop 8!
Maybe I am stupid or maybe I live in my bubble! I don't know which, I just know that god is LOVE and that is what he teaches! We should all love each other no matter our beliefs!

Snowy Days and Train Days Suck!

Let me just tell you that when it is snowing it sucks to take the train! The snow flying in your face and it is cold! However the positive thing is I don't have to fight the people that don't know how to drive in the snow! Being cold and standing in the snow for few minutes may not be so bad after! I have to confess, I have driving issues! I am very nervous and on edge when I drive or in anyones car for that matter. So me driving to work may not be a bad thing! All you who drive will thank me for that!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Annoying People

I don't want to sound rude but my train ride was a bit annoying! There was 2 guys sitting across from me speaking very loud!! I turned up my music but they seemed to be talking louder! Some days the train is an adventure!! People need 2 B more considerate to others!

Obama and McCain face off!

Today is the day we will get a new president! I encourage everyone to go vote no matter who u vote 4! I know the polls have leaned to Obama. I hope it is his victory. This country needs a change. We have had a leader that has not done much 4 this country, other then lead us 2 war and many other things. This country needs a change. I think Obama is the right man 4 the job! I guess we will see what happens this evening! On a side note the electoral voting system is a joke!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down!

Today it is raining buckets out there! I love the rain in Seattle,but for some reason I hate it here in the great state of Utah! I have done nothing today, nothing but lay around and play on the Internet and with my phone! I guess that is good, it is Sunday! I am not even planning to anything except meet Erica foe coffee! Today is a coffee day! Yum!