Friday, October 31, 2008

BlackBerry's Rock!

This is pretty cool! I'm on the train on my way 2 work and here I am blogging! This BlackBerry is so fucking awesome! I am so glad I got it, not 2 mention it is cute!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I did my civic duty!

I voted today! I did the early voting and when we got there was a small line, as we was leaving it was packed! But we voted! So u all need to go and vote!

Newest member of the Crack Berry Gang!

I did it, I finally did it! I got a Pink Black Berry! I am the newest member of the Crack Berry gang! Auri, Erica and I all have the same pink BB! Hoe funny is that! I am a freak and followed behind Erica, she had it first! I have only had it since yesterday, so I am still learning to use it. So far I love it! It is fun to text and play on the web! If u r looking for a cool phone that has Internet and text capabilities I would recommend it! The access to your email accounts is fabulous!!!
Hope to see more members of our gang soon!
The pink is really cute!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tag - You're It

Salt-o-rama, I need some help with this one! I have no idea how to link someone! Let me know when is a good time to come over and hang out and work on our blogs?

Guitar Hero Rocks!!!!

GH rocks!!!

I have to say I am addicted to the GH! It is very entertaining and fun! It is a great way to pass that time away! It also good for learning hand, eye coordination.(I have to justify it some how!)
I own all the released GH on the PS2. It is out of control!
So Last winter I spent a lot of time on GH. I was very good, I could get thru any song on Medium with out missing a note. I played a lot!
It is winter and I will start playing it more again! Woo Hoo!

Rock on my fellow GH players!

Just call me Super Worker!

OMG!!! So let me tell you about my job.

I am a Credentialing Specialist, not to sure what it means, other then I have to send letters and get verifications on provider that want to be on the Insurance panel. Basically it is a site down job and I get to play with lots of papers and folders! Sounds exciting? It isn't really, but I like it so much better then my last job! It is great because I can site my desk with my headphones on and do my work. I love the fact that I can listen to my Zune all day long and no really ever bothers me,except The Girl does call and bother me or sends email. So u ask who "The Girl" is, I am not using names because I want to keep her name out of it.

So back to my job, I received an email from a high up over the weekend. In it they want to know where we are with the dentist and we need to have EVERYTHING done by Dec. 5th or the end of the year. Ok, fine, I know the deadline. However I am not sure when they created my job they realized how much I am responsible to do. So this goal seems some one impossible for 1 person since we have over 1000 dental applications to process. I do everything for the application. I don't pass it off to someone else to do their part. I do it all from start to finish! So, I get very attached to dentist, we are 1 by the end of the process!

So I guess I will continue to bust my ass and do as much as I can and see if I can get some people in my office to help me out, so I don't sink the ship at the end of the year! Wish me luck and send me positive energy to complete the project by the deadline!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Gay Marriage

Where do I even start on this one! I live in Utah, home of the LDS Church. I was watching the news the other night, laying bed with Dale, when our local news reported the LDS church was having meetings to encourage their members to get involved in getting the ban on gay marriage passed in California. I have also read reports and other things online since that news story, only to discover that the LDS church is sinking millions of dollars into California to stop gay marriage.

I think that that as a gay man in a relationship for 12 years that we should have the same rights as all Americans. We should not be second class citizens. My 12 year relationship is no better, worse or different from a heterosexual couple that has been married for 12 years.

I believe that marriage should be available to all Americans, gay or straight.

It is all about equality. If the LDS church chooses not to acknowledge a gay marriage that is there prerogative. They can choose what doctrine to teach and what they want there members to practice and believe. Just because a church thinks that gay marriage is against there teachings, does not mean that it is wrong.

We should all have the choice and marry whomever we choose.

A church that does not believe in gay marriage that is ok. But taking that right away from other people that do not believe the same is wrong. I think when a church forces its morals and standards on others, that is wrong. They have the freedom to preach what ever they choose, but they should not force that on me or anyone else.

I believe this country was built with the ideas of equality for all, it is now time to make that for everyone, even gay people, even if you do not think gay marriage is right, you should not take that away from other people that have different beliefs and views.

So before you cast that vote, before you judge someone that is different from you, think twice, think about how it may not be for you, but why should I take that away from someone else.

I know that Gay Marriage will made in to Federal Law in my lifetime. When that time comes, I will marry the man that has brought me so much joy, happiness and love. I will be so proud to walk down that isle and show the world, who I love. So what if it is someone of the same sex, we are a happy loving couple that has supported each other and been thru some rough times together. Why should someone keep that out of arms reach from me.

We have 3 wonderful grandchildren, I want to say to them one day, that your grandpa's are married and we are no longer second class citizens.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Closer: The Best of Sarah McLachlan

OMG!!! The new Sarah McLachlan CD came out today! I love Sarah! It is a greatest hits with a few new songs! I love it! She is so fabulous!
I have only seen her once in concert and the was the After Glow Tour. She hadn't toured in years and the first show was at the Key Arena in Seattle.( I love Seattle!) My dear friend and cousin Jo, lived in Washington at the time, So I went to visit her and while I was there we went to the concert. If I remember correctly it was on July 3rd! I drove to Washington all by myself and spent a week with her. It was a amazing, fun trip. My cousin need the support! I was so glad I went! So back to the show! We got floor seating! It was one of the most amazing concerts in my life. I love Sarah's energy and her music! It was so cool to be the first show in her tour after so many years.
Another story about Sarah, they played "Angel" at my uncles funeral. That song is so moving!
Another note about my cousin and Sarah, at the time After Glow came out, all of the songs on that CD seem to be telling her what she needed to hear at that time. She didn't pay much attention and moved back home to Utah a few months later. I love my cousin very much, I just wish she could see her inner beauty and how wonderful of a person she is and let go of the past.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Matchy Matchy!

Here is Tito our Chihuahua and his cousin Chico (Dale's Parents Chihuahua)!

Are they not the cutest things you have ever seen!